City of Calgary - Canada is a city of about 1,000,000 (1 Million) Calgarians and by population is the largest city in the province of Alberta, Canada.
City of Calgary Canada has a long, cold and winters with lots of snow. However, the western Chinook winds bring week-long "breaks" that melt all the snow and ice away and make the winter seem much shorter. On the other hand summers are usually hot and dry in Calgary Downtown.
Vacation in Calgary
Did you ever think to have a vacation in Calgary? That would be a great idea, there are many attractions in City of Calgary and local area. Maybe is a time to surprise your spouse or girlfriend and travel to Calgary for a vacation? City of Calgary provides many nice recreation areas for perhaps your future vacation.
The University of Calgary is a research and teaching university of growing national and international stature. According to the Canadian Association of University Business Officers, the University of Calgary is the most research-intensive university in province of Alberta and among the top 10 universities in Canada. Learn more about Unversity of Calgary in Alberta.
City of Calgary has numerous world-class recreational facilities, including a legacy from the 1988 Winter Olympics in city of Calgary, Canda. City of Calgary also hosts a multitude of international sporting events year round and is home to several professional Canadian sports teams.
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Calgary links - City of Edmonton Canada Links:
City of Calgary Official web site -
Royal Tyrrell Museum -
The University of Calgary - (Calgary Canada)
The City of Calgary Tower -
City of Calgary Board of Education -
City of Calgary Transit -
Calgary Canada Public Library -
Alberta Government web site -
Beside Calgary Canada, please visit other cities in Alberta like Edmonton, Airdrie and Lethbridge.