Winnipeg Canada |
 Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada |
 Winnipeg Canada - real photo |
Winnipeg is the capital city of Manitoba, Canada with a population of just over 650,000. Winnipeg is known as the city of festivals, which occur throughout the year, especially during the summer months. The Winnipeg Folk Festival is a legend around the world! Winnipeg is also home to a world-class ballet company, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, and several Opera and Theatre places. UNUM CUM VIRTUTE MULTORUM you will find on the Winnipeg's crest that means "One with the strength of many" in Latin.
Professional sports teams in Winnipeg are the Winnipeg Goldeyes (baseball), and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers (football). The many parks throughout Winnipeg provide excellent opportunities for walking, biking, skiing and other recreational activities.
Winnipeg enjoys a lot of sunshine throughout the year. The summers in Winipeg are typically very warm, dry and ready for Winnipeg festivals.
Winnipeg is located in Canada near the geographic centre of North America. Just about 100 kilometres from the American border, in the south central area of the Manitoba province.
Vacation in Winnipeg
Did you ever think to have a vacation in Winnipeg? What a great idea! There are many attractions in Winnipeg and the local surrounding area. Perhaps it is time to surprise your spouse or girlfriend and travel to Winnipeg for a vacation?
Winnipeg links about Winnipeg Canada:
City of Winnipeg - www.city.winnipeg.mb.ca
Another Winipeg web site www.winnipeg.ca
Downtown Winnipeg Biz website - www.downtownwinnipegbiz.com
Winnipeg Canada Airport Authority - www.waa.ca
Winnipeg Canada Chamber of Commerce - www.winnipeg-chamber.com
Manitoba Opera - manitobaopera.mb.ca
The Little Opera Company - www.littleopera.ca
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