Changing Immigration

Canada Immigration Forum (discussion group)

Subject: Changing Immigration
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Have you not noticed that the Minister of Immigration is changing the Immigration regulations little by little?

The big question is why is he doing the changes, little by little?

If he changed everything all at once he might not have a chance to become Prime Minister in four years.

First he introduced the Ministerial Instruction Occupational list he said to reduce the processing times. This has been a great flop and who cared about the hundreds of thousands that had already paid and applied?

So many Crane Operators and Welders applying, lol. No room for the trades due to IELTs testing. We are going to get the most fluent but not ones that can be established quickly.

Then he focused on parents and tried to justify that by offering a Super Visa, lol.

Today in the Toronto Star he is going after Marriages of Convenience even though it is not a huge problem with only 3 so called convictions out of 200 leads.

Jason Kenney is also attacking those that do not comply with Residency requirements.

Okay here comes DocD, IT´S THE LAW.

It may be the Law but it is how it is being applied. The effects it will have being applied in such a manner.

Families being torn apart for one not becoming a Citizen and living outside of Canada like other Canadian citizens. See it is all right if your a citizen but not okay if you have been a permanent resident for twenty years.

How many who never entered into a MOC have been wrongly accused? I personally have now represented 10.

This change will have men and women being too scared to seek a divorce because their partner may accuse them by calling Immigration of being involved in a Marriage of Convenience. Huge investigation where your deemed guilty until proven innocent which will cost you thousands! 200 MOC leads, 39 further investigations warranted, 7 prosecutions and 3 convictions. Whoa huge problem, LOL

FSW Applicants who will unlikely work in their profession (Doctors) being approved because of their language skills. Quality Welders, Chefs, Plumbers, Cooks, Electricians, etc. being refused to lack of Language skills.

How many FSW applicants got their applications back saying sorry CAP reached.

We have always been a kindlier gentler nation.


(in reply to: Changing Immigration)
Yeah it must be weird to see to a minister to enforce a law that has been in place for ages.

More changes still to come. Stay tuned.

(in reply to: Changing Immigration)

Are you referring to PROMPT PROCESSING? Since when has CIC been enforcing that objective of the act. IRPA 3 (1) (f)


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