Protech Immigration Services and Consulting

Canada Immigration
Canada Immigration
Canadian immigration
Immigrating To Canada
This is a immigration consultancy profile for a company named Protech Immigration Consultancy
(PROTECH) that offers clients with full service for Canadian immigration and settlement assistance.

Here is a list of services (Assisting to Immigrate to Canada) offered by Protech Immigration:

Assess the clients' qualifications, experience, skills, and evaluates their chance to obtain temporary and permanent immigration to Canada.
Assistance to our clients in the preparation to be submitted to the Canadian immigration authorities, along with the proper documentation.
Overseeing the evaluation of the clients' educational qualifications by the Canadian institutions even after immigration.
Provide clients with information about licensing and registration requirements for professional work in Canada.
Prepare the client and provide assistance at each stage of the immigration process like interview, medical examination, and landing in Canada.

Where to learn more about Protech Canada

Protech provides other related services as well, but for a full list of Canadian Immigration services it would be natural to visit their own website. Simply click on Canadian Immigration for your Immigration to Canada needs.

FAQ About Protech Canada

  • Q: When Was Protech Company Established? A: 2001
  • Q: Does Protech has online assessment form? A: Yes
  • Q: Is Protech Immigration member of BBB? A: Yes
  • Q: Is Protech Immigration member of CAPIC? A: Yes
  • Q: Is Protech Immigration Consultancy member of CSIC? A: Yes
  • Q: Does Protech Offer translation & interpretation services? A: Yes

Videos about Protech Immigration and their services

True Consulting Services offered by Protech

Protech Immigration = Professional Immigration Services

Immigration in general is complex, stressful and serious process that changes peoples lives quite a bit. Sometimes the process becomes long and very expensive. Very often it is worth hiring a professional firm that will look after all immigration related processes properly and that way save clients a lot of stress, time and money. Protech is one of the firms that can do that quite well. Their immigration related experience and knowledge should speak for itself.

Toronto Canada
Ottawa Canada
Montreal Canada
Vancouver Canada
Victoria Canada
Edmonton Canada
Calgary Canada
Winnipeg Canada

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PROTECH IMMIGRATION - Solution to immigrate to Canada fast

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